Conference Abstract Guidelines

The presentation abstracts for both posters and oral presentations are accepted on the registration website Meeting247 until the posted deadlines. Abstracts (up to 700 words) will be published in the online conference program; manuscripts will not be published this year. 

During the abstract submission, authors will be asked to provide:

  • Abstract title
  • Preferred session for presentation 
  • Presentation type (Invited, Contributed or Poster)
  • Names and affiliations of all co-authors
  • Abstract text and optional keywords

If the text of the abstract is copied and pasted from a word processor, please remove all formatting symbols. Text formatting like bold, italics, sub- or super-scripts, and Greek and selected other symbols can be done through the editing controls during the abstract submissions. Graphics (images, photos, etc.), tables, and complex mathematical expressions/equations are not supported.

During the abstract submission, authors will also select the preferred conference session for their presentation. Please review the list of topics before submitting the abstract. The final presentation format and session assignment are subject to the abstract evaluation and will be determined by the conference committee. Each submitted abstract will be reviewed and the authors will be notified regarding the abstract acceptance status. 


CAARI-SNEAP Registration and Abstracts