Guidelines for Presenters

Guidelines for Oral Presenters

  • Very important:  Each presentation MUST be in a PowerPoint or PDF file and read from a memory stick.  
  • All presentations will be downloaded on the existing computer in the meeting room.  
  • All memory sticks MUST be given to the Session Chair or the Conference Assistant prior to the session, for downloading at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the session.
  • At least 15-20% of your talk time should be reserved for questions and answers (Q&A).  For example: if your talk is 30 minutes, reserve 5 minutes for Q&A; if it’s a 20-minute talk, reserve 4 minutes and for a 15-minute talk, reserve 3 minutes for Q&A.


Guidelines for Poster Presenters

  • Poster boards are landscape orientation and 4' Width x 3' Height (see schematic).  The posters will be attached with either Velcro or push pins which you can obtain at the registration/information desk.poster dimensions
  • All posters are to be on display boards in the Grand Ballroom no later than 1 pm on Monday, July 22.
  • Posters will be presented Monday, July 22 from 5:00pm-7:00pm.
  • The Student Poster Competition will be held from 5:30pm-6:30pm; please be available to present your poster to be considered for a prize.
  • Posters are required to be taken down by the end-of-the-day on Thursday, July 25 or they will have to be thrown away.