Book of Abstracts 2024

The Book of Abstracts is also available as a web app - try it out  CAARI-SNEAP 2024 Book of Abstracts web app

The CAARI-SNEAP 2024 Book of Abstracts is available in two formats (Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF) intended for standard computer screen. A version intended for small screen devices/cell phones is also included. The presentation abstracts are hyper-linked with their corresponding Conference Sessions and the Author index enabling you to move between the sessions, abstracts, and the listing of the authors. Please review the "Using this Abstract Book" instructions on page 14 of the Book of Abstracts.

The Book of Abstracts posted below was generated on July 24, 2024.  

Before coming to your conference session please always check the session location and time on the  CAARI-SNEAP website.

Certain small schedule changes may happen, individual presentations may be added or removed due to the last minute cancellations. These may not be immediately reflected in the files posted below.


The latest session location and time is posted at Topics and Sessions and your Meeting247 account (you can see the session start time and location when you view your accepted abstract). To see it please sign in with the account of the owner of the presentation abstract (account that was used to submit the abstract to the CAARI-SNEAP conference). 


We are looking forward to seeing you at CAARI-SNEAP 2024.